How to Measure Your Child’s Learning When Homeschooling ?6 min read

Homeschooling Oct 18, 2021
How to Measure Your Child's Learning When Homeschooling



How to Measure Your Child’s Learning When Homeschooling ?6 min read

Parents choose home-school for many different reasons. Some parents choose home-school to educate their kids so they can get better than the local school can provide. Homeschooling is a movement that has gained widespread acceptance around the world. It is a progressive strategy that enables parents to educate their children in their homes.

What is homeschooling?

Homeschooling or home education is the process of schooling school-aged children at home. It involves the use of various non-schooling methods and techniques for academic success. Unlike traditional school lessons, homeschooling uses a variety of non-schooling activities and methods.

Advantages of homeschooling

Homeschooled kids benefit from one-on-one attention, as well as being able to learn more at their own pace. Homeschooled kids also get to experience a variety of hands-on learning opportunities. They can also volunteer in their local community. They volunteer or participate in service-learning projects. This helps them excel in life skills.

While preparing for home-schooling

Regardless of the age of your child, it’s a good idea to start planning for the school year now. It gives parents enough time to get organized.
Visit the library and talk to other people who have homeschooled to figure out why you are doing this. Doing so will help map out the best way to maximize the many advantages of this decision.
Many states have specific regulations that parents must follow when it comes to homeschooling. These regulations vary depending on the state.
You can also learn about various activities that your child can do.
Curriculum can also be bought separately. They can be purchased online or through catalogs.
Are you looking for a place to work or study? Various areas can be found to accommodate these needs.
It’s important that parents set realistic expectations for their kids during the beginning of their homeschooling journey. This can help avoid setting too many unrealistic goals.
A plan helps set goals and track one’s work. It also helps avoid making a schedule that’ll be too restrictive.
Most home-school parents experience isolation issues when they start. They often feel that they are isolated from their peers and are not able to connect with them.

Can we evaluate the learning by doing Homeschooling?

Teachers use various tools to measure the learning of their students. Some of these include the usual assessments, such as standardized tests and pop quizzes. When you homeschool, it’s very common for parents to ask how do I know if my kid is learning anything? This doesn’t mean that you can’t measure your kid’s learning, just that you have to find ways to evaluate it. There are some ideas for figuring it all out.

It is always good to know why you are assessing and what you should expect from an assessment. There are differences when it comes to a teacher assessing a student at a traditional school and homeschooling.

Know why you are assessing

Instead of just asking your child to complete a spelling test, try different assessments that will help you understand their learning. There are also other ways to assess. As a parent, it is important to remember that this assessment is to make them aware of their learning. It might seem like a waste to have them report on the book they read. But, hey, it’s part of their learning process. You know the material so they may not need to test them per se. Assessment will be different within the walls of your homeschool. When you teach, you assess the child’s progress as they learn. It’s important to have a solid understanding of the things that they don’t know. They may already know, but they’re struggling to learn. In a traditional classroom, the teacher may have multiple students. Also, they may not have the same intimate knowledge of their students’ progress. But here it is a single student and you can invest more.

Let them learn enough at their pace

Many new homeschooling parents are worried that their kids are not learning enough. What does “enough” really mean? Most kids start learning about topics that are covered by standardized tests and curriculum changes at an early age. These factors are only part of the learning curve that drives learning in traditional public schools. When your child is learning at home, it doesn’t have to follow a traditional path. Instead, start wherever they are and work their way up. For five weeks, you plan to cover all of the animal kingdom’s classifications. However, suddenly, after a few weeks, you find yourself falling behind. You might have thought that your child got distracted and didn’t learn enough. Instead, think about the depth of their learning and how they fared in a given time frame.

Progress over percentages

You don’t need to be a genius to know that your child is doing well in homeschool. Just make sure that they are learning in the context of their current abilities. If they only responded to 40 percent correctly, then they didn’t make progress. If they consistently answered 60 percent correctly, then they made progress.

Know the law’s and prepare them for college

Some states require annual testing for home-schoolers. Many homeschoolers also take the ACT or the SATs in high school to prepare for college applications. At some point, though, your child may not be comfortable with the format of the test.

Some interesting ways to make assessment progressive and attractive.

Assess by talking to them

You can also ask them to tell you what they learned at school. This is a great way to see if they still have what they learned and what they should share with their parents.

Ask them to teach for a day

Putting your kid in the role of teacher can help them get the most out of their learning experience. It’s a great way to help them see what they’ve learned and how it can be used to improve themselves. Ask a sibling to help a younger sibling with addition and subtraction facts. Then, read a book together and help the younger sibling make sense of the words they don’t know.

Give projects

Instead of creating multiple tasks, assign projects. For instance, give them a recipe and ask them to multiply the ingredients by a certain amount. You can also tell them that you’re planning on going somewhere for a long time and that you need to plan for stops along the way.

Make it Digital

While it’s important to teach children about public speaking and reporting, it’s also important to teach them how to do it in a way that works for them. Remember that there is a world beyond our home. The internet allows us to present information in a variety of ways to reach a wider audience. Your child can create a kid-friendly video and can be posted on YouTube. As a parent, it’s important to consider how public your child’s YouTube video should be. You can choose to keep it private or share it with trusted contacts.


Homeschooling is a great way to teach your children. With creativity and dedication, this can be a memorable experience for both the parent and the child.


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