Tips To Increase Your Child’s Appetite5 min read

Parenting Oct 8, 2021
Tips To Increase Your Child’s Appetite



Tips To Increase Your Child’s Appetite5 min read

We all know how to satisfy hunger. But, why are children becoming so fussy about their eating habits? This article aims to help parents understand the importance of child nutrition guidelines and how to improve their kids’ eating habits. Most mothers are worried about the lack of appetite in their kids. During this time, children are most likely to experience nutritional deficiencies. Food that is low in nutrients can cause their development to stall. It can be difficult for parents to make their kids eat anything that they don’t like. So, they must get enough nutrients during their growth and development while giving them what they like. 

Nutrient-rich food to choose for your child.


A balanced diet is very important for children. One of the most important components of a healthy diet is protein. Half of our body’s protein is composed of muscle, while the other half is in the form of nails, hair, and skin. The other half is made up of non-essential amino acids.

Foods rich in proteins are seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans, peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds. 


Both vegetables and fruit are important for your child’s health. There are a lot of reasons to eat fruits, especially for children. They are full of nutrients that can help boost their health and development. They also contribute to their children’s development.

Fruits that help your child grow better are berries, apples, bananas, oranges, lemon, peaches, grapes, pineapple, pear, and avocados.


Vegetables play an important role in our diets. To provide a variety of vegetables, try serving fresh, canned, or frozen vegetables each week. Look for options with low sodium to reduce your sodium intake.

Vegetables that boost your child’s growth are peas, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, cucumbers, celery, sweet potatoes, corn, lettuce, and mushrooms.


Too many kids are missing out on the bulk of their nutrients because they don’t eat whole-grain-rich food. This is why starting kids off with whole grains is so important. Whole-grain foods are those that contain all the nutrients that are present in the grain. Kids should be eating whole grains at every meal to promote optimal development.

Grain foods that should be included in your child’s diet are whole wheat bread, oatmeal, popcorn, quinoa, or brown or wild rice. 


Dairy products aside from being a source of protein and carbohydrates, dairy products also contribute to a healthy diet because they contain a variety of nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D and calcium are essential for proper bone health and are required for our body to absorb calcium.

Include milk, yogurt, and cheese in your child’s diet.

Ways to Increase your Child’s appetite

  • Water should be first thing in the morning for children. Also, they should have it half an hour before meals.
  • It’s important to provide food every couple of hours to children who are not hungry. They should also try consuming regular meals once in two hours.
  • If you want a better appetite, offer healthy alternatives to refined food.
  • It’s known as the king of nuts for its protein-building and appetite-enhancing properties. This peanut butter can be used as a snack or a full-fledged food.
  • Too much milk can kill a child’s appetite. This issue usually occurs when children consume milk as a snack or as a substitute for other dairy products.
  • If your child has a low appetite, try introducing healthy food first to get him or her used to the idea of eating.
  • The small bites of food that children are given can build up their metabolism and improve their appetite. They should start eating on their own until they are old enough to decide on their own.
  • A child’s health is greatly improved by having a good supply of calcium and probiotics. This dairy product is also known for its taste.
  • Most kids don’t like extreme tastes. If your child has a low appetite, try to avoid having food that has strong flavors or has unpleasant odors.
  • Spices such as fennel, cumin, and cinnamon can help build up an appetite. They can also be used as an ingredient to add to food.
  • Instead of offering kids ghee-based food, try low-fat or no-fat dairy products.
  • It’s also common knowledge that being active helps improve appetite. This is why it’s important to make sure that your child has plenty of playtime.
  • If the house is too hot or suffocating, your appetite will go down.
  • When your kid says that he or she is not hungry, offer fresh lime juice instead of water. This will help digestion and appetite.
  • Sometimes, parents may discuss school schedules or financial issues during meal times. However, avoid these discussions as they can kill a child’s appetite.
  • Raw vegetables and seeds can help build up the appetite of children. They can also improve the level of zinc in their bodies.
  • Ginger juice, honey, and peppermint chutneys can be used to improve appetite. They can also be made at home.
  • On good-food days, note what they ate. These ideas can be used for future reference.
  • Fruit-based desserts are known to boost appetite and digestion. They are also beneficial for children’s psychological well-being.


Adding nutrient-rich foods to your child’s meal can help you in two ways. One makes them eat healthily. Two make eating exciting. You can choose from a great variety of nutrient-rich foods and by adding them, creating tasty and creative food for your child, will surely make your child eat them without actually forcing them. It is very important that kids are given the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly. This is because, as they get older, they tend to require more nutrients than their bodies can provide. Hope this article helped you with knowledge about protein and vitamin-rich foods for your child and ways to improve their appetite. Let Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner be more yummy and tasty!


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