Setting up Home School 5 min read

Homeschooling Oct 3, 2021
setting up homeschool



Setting up Home School 5 min read


We all know how tremendously the way of Covid is affecting everything in the world. As of now, scientists estimate that it would take time to get things back to normal. Every country is facing different problems and they are at different points in their COVID-19 infection rates. 

In all of this situation, if we consider the worldwide rate then it says that currently more than 1.2 billion children in almost 186 countries are affected by the closure of the schools due to the pandemic wave. 

Dealing with the Questionnaire  

Coming to the point, you all might agree that with this sudden shift away from the classroom, every individual is wondering whether the adoption of online learning will continue to persist after the pandemic situation as well or not? Moreover, parents also wonder how such a drastic shift from an offline platform to an online one would impact the worldwide education market.

Since the beginning of this year, the back-to-school season came up with new challenges, for instance:

  • Whether to send their kid back to their classroom or continue to balance with the remote learning option at home.

Surprisingly for the very first time, the majority of parents tried to opt for the homeschooling program instead of the traditional classroom setting.

How to Structure the Day

We all know that following a traditional school’s regime is connected to an underlying pressure and a sort of complex programming that we all need to follow. Did you ever feel that way? Worry not! If it didn’t bother you, maybe you might deal with that stress in your subconscious mind. 

Now if we talk about the latter perspective- The homeschooling process, it is advised to read some unschooling books to help you calm down and plan things with a relaxed mindset. 

It is a trend wherein the majority of homeschoolers relax more and more every subsequent year naturally. This happens because they begin to realize the potential of the children!  

There are various kinds of traditions that you must add to your home school. Once you get assured with the fact that opting for the second option- The  Non-Traditional Learning method and learning from real life is far more advantageous, you’ll fall in love with the non-traditional experience! 

Setting Up a Homeschooling Space

You must try to refresh your home school space depending on what your child needs to study. Some recommendations are given as follows:

  • You may end up setting cubbies and shelving along with the displays of what your child will probably be doing. 
  • You may even change out your seasonal table and create a soothing environment for your little one to study. 
  • Also, you need to have some sort of permanent area for supplies, a table for crafting and making and a bookshelf for organizing books based on their types. 
  • You may end up having a dedicated space for a computer.

These are just basic points to help you with the concept of management. Worry not, if you don’t have that much space. These points are just mentioned to give you a rough idea. You might involve your own personalized ideas as well!

Find Your Family Rhythm

Many of you might think that finding a family rhythm is quite difficult and this might create disturbance in your child’s study routine. But the actual reality is that the rhythm is already there! You just need to find that rhythm and synchronize with it.

  • The most important thing to start with is the meal rhythm. You’ll find a wide variety in this rhythm in almost every family. They have their own set of rules to have breakfast, lunch and dinner for example.  

What you need to do is to plan your study routine that must actually “fit” the home-schooling thing in between meals. This way you’ll be able to structure your child’s lessons in between breakfast and lunch… and again between lunch and dinner.

  • Scientifically, it is proven that children work best on full stomachs and that too with enough energy to use their whole selves during their study time! 

For planning the afternoon lessons you must try to put the daily chores after lunch. This is because those chores will require energy from the meal to get done! Don’t forget to spare some time for the outside play as well!

  • At last, you need to know your child well over time to find out what type of work they will do better in the morning lessons and the ones in the afternoon time period. 
  • It is suggested that the main lessons must be scheduled somewhat between 8-10 in the morning. Whereas the extra lessons, such as art & craft must be arranged in the afternoon. This is because children tend to be quite energetic in the morning and they need some sort of relaxation as well as refreshment as time passes by. 

The best bet can be to let them have the freedom to organize their day themselves! 

All of this mainly depends upon your child’s grade. For instance, if your child is a 1st grader, you must plan the day accordingly. They may not be ready for a full day but may need a half day to adjust well, especially if they show signs of being worn out.

Tips for Remote Teaching from a Traditional School

Along with the following set of tips, you may add in whatever may be lacking in the lessons. If your child is someone who loves painting or dancing, it makes sense to balance out all the headwork with some painting or dance class. 

You may also try working out with some clay or wood painting lessons related to what they are studying. For better command over their abilities, you should try to bring as many ideas as you can.

The next case can be that your child might love music. If that’s his/her beat, go for it! No matter whether your child sings a complex song or a simple one, try to bring in soul to their passion as well.


In order to be a great teacher and thereby a great mentor, you need not have a degree in that subject or be an expert in any field. Both of these attributes are quite different from each other in real life. 

Homeschooling can turn out to be quite fun, but only if you plan out well! For this, you just need to incorporate basic teaching methodologies along with a well-structured planning process to begin with. 


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