10 Home EC Skills Your Kids Need to Know3 min read

Homeschooling Nov 29, 2021
10 Home Ec Skills Your Kids Need to Know



10 Home EC Skills Your Kids Need to Know3 min read

There are at least 10 Essential Home ec skills kids need to learn to be prepared for life when they become adults. Today, most kids won’t have to worry about keeping a house full of servants and cooking bread on the hearth. But, they still need to prepare for the inevitable responsibilities that come with owning their own homes. This article is for all of us. There are many things that need to focus on kids’ lives.

What is a Home EC Skill?

Home economics is typically focused on helping people make ends meet. It helps them make decisions about how to improve their lives. At different levels, home economics courses can help prepare children for various careers in homemaking.

10 home EC skills for your kids

It may be hard to believe that your kids are already adults, but it’s only a matter of time before they start managing their own homes.

1. Cooking skills: Cooking is a skill kids should learn at home. It can teach them how to prepare healthy meals and avoid fast food and microwave meals. Simple Homeschool cooking activities are great for parents who want to teach their kids how to cook.

2. Know about nutrition: Aside from cooking, teaching kids about proper nutrition also comes into play. Having a balanced meal is important to teach kids.

3. Plan the menu: Meal planning is a simple concept that should be implemented each week. It saves time and money, and it lets you plan ahead. It is also helpful during the lean years when you don’t have the money to regularly keep a full pantry. Having a menu lets you order what you need and saves you from wasting it.

4. Learning to sew: Although you are not a skilled seamstress, try to have some basic sewing skills. Being able to do this is very important for young adults. These are the basic sewing skills that every adult should have. They are also necessary for people who may be forced to work under duress due to their age.

5. Managing money: Kids need to learn how to manage money. Having a basic knowledge of money management is important, especially for young people. With online banking and smartphones, you don’t think it is necessary to have a full set of books on how to manage money before graduating.

6. Teaching to do the Laundry: Learn how to do laundry. Teach your children to wash their clothes if they have clothes that are in the hamper. This is a great way to teach hygiene to your kids.

7. Housekeeping works: Doing housekeeping is a basic skill. It will be tough with kids to manage to housekeep. It’s important that kids know how to clean dishes, vacuum, and scrub toilets. They should also know the difference between a clean and deep-cleaning job.

8. Basic repair works: Get experience with managing electrical and plumbing issues. Gather basic knowledge to more complex repairs. Helping kids learn to manage simple electrical or plumbing repairs under parental guidance will be a lifesaver in the future.

9. Answering calls and texts: This skill can be taught in today’s world of email and texting. Learning to answer calls and send replies to emails and texts is very important. Your child will deal with a lot of them during their adult life as a professional. Training kids with such basic etiquettes will help them learn basic values of respecting others as well.

10. Table manners: You need to work on educating your child with basic table manners. You have kids who are not afraid to burp at the table. They do understand polite table manners, but they still have a hard time setting a basic dinner table. So teaching them basic table manners should be done at an early age.


Even if they’re not yet ready to start learning these skills, it’s still a good idea to teach them some of them as they get older. But consider teaching them at some point in their life.


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