Keys To A Good Homeschool Day5 min read

Homeschooling Nov 14, 2021



Keys To A Good Homeschool Day5 min read

When it comes to homeschooling, who doesn’t want to have good homeschool days? Each and every homeschooled child and their parents wish for a successful homeschool day. One thing is certain: not every day can be a good one. Moreover, bad days are unavoidable and you can not do anything about them. However, we are providing you with some keys that can help you have a good homeschool day.
Finding time to accomplish everything: reading and spelling, cooking meals… is half the battle for many homeschooling parents. The list goes on and on.

Disruptions are typical, especially when young children are involved, and they can quickly accumulate and develop to the point in which you’ve spent the first half of the day putting out fires and very little time homeschooling. Here are seven helpful suggestions to help you go through your day more quickly so you can have a more enjoyable homeschool day with plenty of time to fulfill your goals. For every homeschooler out there who is facing problems related to not having a good day,

We have come up with some key points that may contribute to a good homeschool day and even in your day-to-day life.


1. Considering the interests of children

Hands-on approaches, creativity (e.g. creative writing, art, and so on), and learning from the masters are all encouraged. Curiosity is the key, and sometimes it can be really fun as well. Reading novels, shooting or watching videos on the subject, and traveling are just a few of the activities that can turn anyone’s bad day into a slightly better one and can make homeschooling an enriching and unforgettable experience.

Alternating between schoolwork and more enjoyable but yet educational activities should be prioritized and especially when it comes to younger children.

What you can also do is, ask them about their field of interest and try to fit it into your schedule just for a short period of time. This will make them look forward to the upcoming sessions or classes and they will be naturally happy because they will be learning something they are passionate about. So, at least once in a while, try to go according to the children’s interests, and gradually, you will notice a difference in your homeschool days.

2. Priority of quality over quantity

Everybody knows the tale of the tortoise and the hare: slow and small increases over a long period of time produce better results than random bursts of energy. Timetables should be optimized and should be made easier for the children so that they can stick to them without feeling overwhelmed. A flexible curriculum would let the children manage their time more efficiently as well as effectively and in total autonomy, which would be a goal of the education system in itself.

We must pick a place from starting, even if it’s not the same place every day. Now the question arises, how are you going to do it? How can you create a flexible curriculum for the children to make it a good homeschool day?

So, you can do the following things we are mentioning ahead for a good homeschool day

  • Break up your schedule rather than teaching all of the subjects at once or in one single day.
  • Set reminders according to your classes, etc.
  • With a loop schedule, we keep on track without sacrificing content.

3. Establish ground rules

What should be done if the kids have not completed their schoolwork before the deadline given to them? Which areas within the household are appropriate for studying and which are not? Is it necessary to have a different connection with the parent when they are the teacher, or are gestures of affection and the like still acceptable?

All the above mentioned questions have crossed every homeschooler’s mind at least once. But, do you know what can be done to avoid situations like these in the future? Do not worry, we have got you covered. One thing that you can do to avoid and address these situations is to establish equal rules and regulations for everyone. This will not only help in keeping the children reminded of completing their schoolwork, but also would help to reduce the discrimination if a child’s parent is a teacher.

4. Comply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

To begin, let us understand what this “MASLOW’S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS” is. So Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is nothing but a motivational theory by Abraham Maslow, which is categorized into five levels of basic human needs that are


What we are trying to convey to you through this theory is that basic needs should be fulfilled first, and then education later. Physical health and mental health, as well as active social life, should always be the center of children’s and teenagers’ development. Listening to them and providing for a more tailored approach to learning (including mental health breaks and the like) each day could improve their homeschooling days and make them a good ones.

All the above mentioned points are the keys that can make your homeschool day a better one, both effectively and efficiently.

So, in the end, I would like to say that not every day can be a good one, and bad days are unavoidable. However, there are some key points that can help you have a good homeschool day. Hands-on approaches, creativity (e.g. creative writing, art, and so on), and learning from the masters are all encouraged. Timetables should be optimized and educational activities should be prioritized. All these key points will lead you to a good homeschool day.


There are good days as well as bad days. However, we can do follow some steps that can overweigh the bad ones by the good days. We can stay on target without sacrificing content by using a loop timetable. Even if it isn’t the same place every day, we always have a place to start from.


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