How to help your kid become a strong critical thinker?7 min read

Child Development Aug 11, 2021



How to help your kid become a strong critical thinker?7 min read

Critical thinking is the process of evaluating available facts, evidence, observations, and arguments in order to reach a conclusion. We tend to enhance our critical thinking capability every day. It helps us in making intelligent choices, comprehend the impacts of our actions, and solve intricate issues. Therefore, learning to think critically is one of the most crucial skills that young people will require for a successful future. However, students need much more than the power of retaining knowledge. They must be critical thinkers who can assess, analyze, contrast, draw conclusions, and develop higher thinking abilities. Thus, today we will learn about critical thinking and how can one help their children attain it?

Why do kids require critical thinking skills?

Kids are exposed to a great amount of messages, information, and photos every day. To build their thoughts and views in the right direction, whether in school, online or with young friends, they must be able to appraise what they hear and see. Thus, the cornerstone for education and essential life skills both, are critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are fostered via regular interactions with your child, such as chatting with them, asking open-ended questions, and enabling them to experiment and solve problems.

These essential abilities are utilized to address issues and determine the optimum operating strategy. This is a way to concentrate and to regulate oneself to attain objectives. In addition, it uses other critical abilities in life, like connecting, acquiring perspective and communication. Critical thinking helps us to make good choices. Knowledge, assessment and opinion are required for critical thinking, and vision and curiosity are part of this active participation. They create a mental library when teenagers take up new knowledge.

How to empower kids for critical thinking?

There are plenty of ways in which children can develop critical thinking. Some of the methods are as follows:

Exposure to the outer world

Children barely come in contact with nature in today’s digital era because more than half of their things are carried online, including their classroom studies owing to the pandemic. So to lead a happy life, it is essential for them to sink in their time, even if it is for half an hour with nature. There is no better place for sprinting, springing, tossing, capturing, tugging, lifting and carrying than outside. All of these tasks necessitate the development of basic motor skills. According to studies, young individuals consume more calories from outside sources to avoid obesity and build their bones and muscles. In addition, sun exposure boosts vitamin D levels in the body, resulting in stronger bones and a lower risk of chronic illness.

Include them in your family decisions

Children’s commitment entails more than simply soliciting their ideas and opinions. This includes listening to them, taking their ideas and proposals seriously, and putting them into action. It also seeks to provide children with the opportunity to monitor something that affects them and assist adults in understanding children’s concerns from their perspective. It’s not only about giving your kids a sense of accomplishment when they make the right decision; it’s also about building their trust.

According to research, most parents now involve their children in family decision-making, which implies that these youngsters are far more informed and secure—however, a true catastrophe. Knowing how to earn your children’s trust will, in the end, ensure that they make independent judgments and follow through on those decisions.

Healthy interactions

A healthy communication is very important to establish a healthy relationship with your child. Children who are unable to communicate their emotions properly may grow up to be angry in various ways. Young individuals who can put their feelings into words and convey them to adults and other children are more likely to talk about their issues. Speaking to your child frequently helps ensure that they learn various languages, and parental modelling can improve their criminal justice system study.

Inspire them to participate in extracurricular activities

Extracurricular activities should be included in a summary to demonstrate various interests and abilities. For example, participation in sports may indicate that your child can work as part of a team, accomplish and develop his goals, and engage in regular exercises. If your child secures a leadership position – for example, as a school, house, music, or sports captain – colleges and companies will notice. Participation in these programmes has numerous advantages. Weekly activities, especially for older students, can provide a welcome vacation from schoolwork and employment.

They can provide opportunities for them to get out, work out, visit friends, try a new activity, or relax and renew their thoughts, depending on their interests. They also assist in limiting how much time your youngster spends watching TV or using the computer.

Treat them with warmth if your child faces failures

Parents don’t always allow their kids to fail. Our educational and cultural variables affect how something comes to us naturally. Some of us were raised in families where error learning is prevalent, while others were unlikely to fail. Fortunately, these circumstances don’t have to be made; they are all around you. You have to get out of the way. Children can learn necessary social and emotional skills when they are allowed to fight and fail. Of course, you should not jeopardise your safety or react in an inconvenient situation.
Instead of accomplishing what you should learn to achieve on your own, you should be helping and guiding others. It is common for kids to develop their coping skills and resilience when things don’t go as planned or when they face hardship.

Give them their personal space

You must guide your child by allowing her independence within your limits, just like you did with anything else in your youth. As a result, starting small and delegating specific responsibilities to your child that you can monitor and respond to will motivate them to want more independence. You may try adding its parameters-defined section if it has demonstrated that it is ready for the next phase in its development. This allows them to acquire their trust, which they will gain through their expertise. And this necessitates your undivided attention, as well as your younger children learning the necessary abilities to develop.
You may start building trust with your child by giving them minor works and monitoring to see if they complete them. If they do, you may provide them with something extra. You’ve been teaching them all along that they can earn your confidence and that doing so comes with an excellent reward.

Watch informative television programs with them

New research from the University of Texas Tech shows that young people can better watch TV programmes with their families. The physiological changes in children have been seen in the laboratory environment by Eric Rasmussen and Justin Keene of College of Media & Communication, University, when their parents watched TV with them. While the cardiac rates and skin behaviour of youngsters were measured, it was found that kids learned better if their parents were not there. Therefore, if parents watch with their children, they should be conscious that they will learn more if they watch with them, regardless of violence, sex, language, or anything else. This suggests that parents should be more aware of their influence since they do have one whether they realize it or not. Simply being there makes a difference.

Answer all their questions

Your kid questions you because they are interested and want to learn more from you or someone they trust. In this way, they are actively participating in education. Curiosity, according to research, will make learning a pleasurable experience for your child and will directly contribute to better outcomes. Keep in mind that your child is watching what you do when you ask such questions. Examine your actions and emotions in the presence of your child.

Instead of being enraged when questioned, provide your youth with unanswered, unequivocal replies. First, give your youngster no more information than they can handle. Then, if you’re too busy, tell them gently that you’ll get back to him once you finish your task.
Thus, all these ways help your child in developing critical thinking skills. So start to follow these tips if you don’t want your kid to lack particular abilities.


Critical thinking abilities help the child is behaving, analyzing and making a decision about an inevitable fact. Therefore, every child must develop necessary thinking skills in their growth years. Moreover, parents must help their children to learn these skills as it will help them in future.


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