Is Permissive Parenting Style Worth Giving A Try?7 min read

Parenting Aug 29, 2021
Permissive Parenting



Is Permissive Parenting Style Worth Giving A Try?7 min read

Parenting is how a person nurtures their kids. Every parent uses a method of parenting for their kids’ upbringing. Some parents go with their instincts; some replicate what they received from their parents; some parents use two or three methods, whereas others choose a standard or traditional plan.

The strategy to raise your kids, in many different ways, is primarily categorized as a parenting style. Your parenting style also dictates to a large degree your kid’s future behavior and discipline. So it is crucial to know the correct parenting style, the one that works best for you and the one best suited for your kids. Today we will try to understand and help simplify various parenting styles and introduce you to the nature and behavior of permissive parents. In addition, we will also look into the pros and cons of permissive parenting. So if the one thing that matters to you is your kids’ progress, you are at the right spot.

What are the Different Types of Parenting Styles?

Currently, there are four main parenting styles that most parents follow. The four major types of parenting are:

Authoritarian or Disciplinarian

This set constitutes those parents who are strict with set rules and prefer punishments to keep their children on the right track.

  • Communication in this parenting style is one way from parents to children. But unfortunately, they neither listen to the child’s ideas nor do they explain any rules.
  • These parents come across as less nurturing.
  • There is no flexibility in rules and regulations.

If a child takes this form of parenting positively, they can be disciplined and obedient. In contrast, if they choose to look at the damaging elements, they can become aggressive, leading to the child lying frequently.

Uninvolved Parents

This type of parenting means giving true freedom to their kids, and these parents usually stay out of the way and do not interfere with their kids’ everyday lives. They do not take part in any decisions and are less intrusive in their kids’ personal lives and decision-making processes.

  • They do not specify any rules of discipline. Furthermore, these parents are not directly involved with the kids’ activities.
  • The communication in this case between parent and kid is also limited, and these parents can seem to be comparatively a little less nurturing.
  • They have significantly less or no expectations from their child.

Authoritative Parenting

This parenting style is very reasonable and nurturing. Kids with these parents are self-disciplined.

  • Every rule is set with an explanation behind it.
  • Communication occurs frequently, and an understanding level is maintained between parents and kids.
  • These parents properly nurture their kids and have expectations from them.
  • Kids who grow up with authoritative parenting are seen to have better futures and are ambitious.

Permissive Parenting

These parents offer limited guidance to their kids. But, overall, they are like friends to their kids.

  • There are no set rules. Instead, permissive parents allow kids to solve their problems on their own.
  • Communication is open, but the parents allow the kids to make their own decisions.
  • Such parents constructively nurture their kids. Expectations by these parents are minimal.

Now let’s look at everything there is to know about permissive parents.

Notably, the pros and cons, the characteristics, and details regarding permissive parents will be examined closely. So let us dig deeper into the methods of permissive parents.

What is Permissive Parenting?

The permissive parenting method is a style of parenting that is often also referred to as the way of the indulgent parent. Low demands and highly responsive parents characterize this parenting style. Permissive parents are very responsive to the emotional needs of their kids. These parents do not put any burden or demands on the kids. Instead, they allow their kids to decide their paths and ambitions. Moreover, they do not set any specific rules or limits for their kids.

Examples and Characteristics of Permissive Parenting

Listed below are various characteristics and examples of typically permissive parents.

Indulgent Parenting

These parents hardly say no to the demands of their kids. Even if their kids demand an expensive toy, they are ready to meet their kid’s needs.


Permissive parents are among the most lenient. They do not like to control the kids. And therefore, they do not set any guidelines to monitor or guide kids’ behavior. However, even if they put a few rules, they are careful and make sure they explain those rules properly. Further, if the child breaks any law, they do not punish them.

Treat Kids like Peers

Parents who prefer a permissive parenting style always be like friends with their children. They give them very little responsibility at home or school and provide them with complete liberty.

Overall, permissive parents are highly responsive to their kids’ needs and are always available.

Effects of Permissive Parenting on Children

According to child development experts, there are specific effects of permissive parenting. Permissive parents usually do not pay heed to their kids’ lives. Neither do they monitor nor do they regulate their kids? However, there are some benefits as well of the permissive parenting method.

Let us look at both sides of these effects.


Better Communication

Permissive parents usually have better communication with their kids. This is because kids consider their parents as their friends, and hence they are comfortable sharing everything with their parents. Parents can also tell them the difference between right and wrong if their children share their problems. Communication is two-way, and hence it is beneficial.

Improved Self-Esteem

Permissive parents love their kids without conditionality, which helps them build better self-esteem. However, one has to consider that there are rare chances that this can go wrong.


Bad Academic Performance

Permissive parents do not seriously monitor the kids’ studying habits or know exactly how much attention a kid is paying to various subjects. Thus, their kids tend to develop low discipline and reduced concentration in their academics. The parents do not ask for any goal or have any expectations from their kids, so they do not attempt to set a goal. Kids are at a stage where they require utmost care, but it is not provided in this method.

Additionally, kids may need to be closely monitored by their parents. But permissive parents do not overtly bother about this, and hence this often leads to kids who have low academic achievements.

More Aggressive

As permissive parents do not regulate their kids’ behavior, they tend to become more aggressive. This is because kids don’t know about established limits of acceptable behavior, and parents need to control and regulate their behavior. However, permissive parents do not pay attention to or heed kids’ behavior and give them complete freedom. Therefore, kids become more aggressive and face behavioral problems in the future.

More Prone to Addiction Of Alcohol or Wrong Habits

According to some studies, it has been found that permissive parents usually raise kids who are more prone to alcohol-related issues. This is because parents give them complete freedom initially, and later when they become aggressive, their behavior is difficult to control.

Poor Social Skills

Permissive parents have children who have poor social skills. These children have limited empathy and show very little friendliness towards other kids their age or relatives.

Indeed they hardly display any friendly social behavior. Also, the kids face problems of obesity as they eat a lot of junk food.

These are the pros and cons of permissive parenting. Permissive parenting cannot be called the worst type of parenting. It shows the homely side of parents, and they are affectionate towards their kids. However, at certain times strictness is demanded, and every parent must have it.


The permissive parenting style involves massive amounts of love and affection from parents. Most of these parents share a blind love for their kids. However, later this love takes another form, and the kid becomes disobedient and out of control. Therefore every parent must control their child adequately. A parent must know when freedom is to be provided and when the kids need a little bit of a clipping of the wings.

Never let your kid get out of control as they might develop aggression and bad habits.

We hope you enjoyed reading all there is about the permissive parenting method. Do share this blog piece with your fellow parents who might benefit from the insights into permissive parenting that we have offered here.


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