5 Ways to Cope with Teen Apathy4 min read

Parenting Nov 22, 2021
5 Ways to Cope with Teen Apathy



5 Ways to Cope with Teen Apathy4 min read


Parents are clearly worried when their exuberant youngster matures into an uninterested and apathetic teenager. Apathy, or the lack of interest in and retreat from former activities, can be the result of a serious condition such as depression, or it can be the result of a natural maturing process.

Understanding the underlying problem is the first step in engaging an apathetic teen. Apathy is dispelled through assisting kids in discovering their own motivation.

What if all of those goals and habits you were intending to establish began to fade in importance and sank into the apathy sea?

What is Teen Apathy all about?

“You can’t make me!” isn’t the only collective voice of adolescence; “I don’t care!” is another. Both statements are intended to defy parental authority—in the first case, by downplaying the strength of parental command, and in the second, by downplaying the effect of any negative consequences that the parents may choose to impose.

Parents should recognize the phrase “I don’t care what you think” for what it is, and refrain from making strong declarations of disapproval at this age. When it’s necessary, disagree with the young person’s decisions, but don’t insult his character.

1. Dealing with depression

Apathy in a large group of teenagers could indicate the onset of serious depression. An adolescent who withdraws from all aspects of life could be suffering from severe internal sorrow.

Teens are more likely to acquire depression as a result of volatile bodily and mental changes, as well as situations for which they have not yet formed coping mechanisms.

Adults have learned to cope with rejection, disappointment, and conflict, but teenagers may be confronting these inescapable occurrences for the first time. If a previously involved teen suddenly withdraws and acts disinterested, get help from a therapist or psychologist. Apathy could be a symptom of a more serious problem.

2. Recognize the Brain Changes happening

According to a study published in the “Journal of Child Psychology and Neuroscience,” brain growth continues throughout adolescence and does not finish until far later than previously assumed.

Gray matter density grew immediately before adolescence and was heavily pruned throughout adolescence, a process that lasted until the early 20s, according to the researchers. These abrupt changes in the brain may be accompanied by equally quick shifts in interests and personality development.

A youngster going through these changes may not be apathetic to everything, but their interests may alter from month to month. Find out what fascinates a teen who appears to be disinterested today.

3. Understand the stage of Maturation

Transitioning from childhood to adulthood necessitates the abandonment of some childhood pursuits. When puberty strikes, a kid who once had a strong interest in dinosaurs acquires a whole new set of interests, and the novelty of these new interests often trumps earlier ones. Recognize when it’s time for a child who is no longer a child to put childhood pursuits behind them. It’s natural for teenagers to lose interest in childhood hobbies as they get older, so some apathy toward these activities is to be expected.

4. Act as an external motivator

The parts of the frontal lobes that regulate impulsive behavior and planning are still developing in the teenage brain. Offering a year-end incentive for studying today, for example, may not work with a teenager since the teen’s understanding of the agreement is intellectual rather than fundamental. Drawing a mental map that connects September studying with a summer reward is an adult talent that adolescents have not yet mastered. Using prizes and punishments as motivational tools for teenagers is ineffective.

5. Change all those things which you easily can

Is there really anything you can do about your indifference if you do detect a reason or trigger? What adjustments or actions can you undertake to eliminate or lessen the cause?

Make a list of them and start thinking about how you can put them into action. Even if you only control a little part of the reason or trigger, you will have a sense of control over your life, which can help you overcome indifference.

Signs that you must consider before proceeding

Here are some indicators that you’re becoming apathetic

• Your usual activities and pastimes no longer seem intriguing or enjoyable.
• You are unmotivated at work, and your work performance begins to deteriorate.
• You quickly lose steam whenever you consider acting on a goal or potential interest.
• You allow yourself to waste a lot of time watching TV, surfing the internet, shopping, or playing video games.
• You shun friends who have something intriguing going on in their lives because you are upset or embarrassed by them.
• To avoid having to figure out what you really want in life, you load your life with pointless jobs and busywork.


Lack of consideration and range in individual connections will not serve the growing teenager well because healthy personal relations must work both ways, not just one (the adolescent’s way), and because after leaving school, the young person must be prepared to function in a larger and more diverse world. As a result, while she is still living at home, her parents must insist on mutuality with them and do all possible to enrich her experience and expand her feeling of social connectedness.


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